由 Lisa Opolion | 8 月 29, 2023 | 未分类
CanJam London 2-days, many many headphones later, here is my write up of THE biggest Headphone show in the UK. Organised by Head-Fi, Hifi PiG had the pleasure of being one of the main media partners. CanJam is a must for anyone looking to get into the world of...
由 Lisa Opolion | 8 月 29, 2023 | 未分类
London was the busiest Canjam show I have ever visited. Congratulations to Jude, Ethan, and the rest of the Head-Fi team for setting up such a great show. We tried to visit every one of them and tried to listen to as much gear as possible, and we have lots to share...
由 Lisa Opolion | 8 月 28, 2023 | 未分类
Join GoldenSound as he heads to CanJam London 2023 to check out some exciting new headphone releases!
由 Lisa Opolion | 6 月 25, 2023 | 未分类
It’s been a while since my last CanJam. Whazza! The show, according to Ethan Opolion, is on a growth trajectory — flagship events in New York and Los Angeles are very different affairs. Here in Chicago, there was a large conference room at the Hyatt Regency in...
由 Lisa Opolion | 4 月 1, 2023 | 未分类
Join Ian Fann as he walks through CanJam Singapore, talks with exhibitors, and tries out the latest gear.
由 Lisa Opolion | 4 月 1, 2023 | 未分类
With more countries opening up for international travel, CanJam Singapore 2023 saw more international brands exhibiting. This year, the sixth edition of CanJam Singapore was held at the same venue, Pan Pacific, on the 25th and 26th of March. Many companies will...